A new study, published Oct. 24 in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, correlates increased cortisol levels with brain shrinkage and memory loss in middle-age.
"The faster pace of life today probably means more stress, and when we are stressed, cortisol levels increase because that is our fight-or-flight response," Dr. Seshadri said. "When we are afraid, when we are threatened in any way, our cortisol levels go up. This study adds to the prevailing wisdom that it's never too early to be mindful of reducing stress."
The study team consists of collaborators at Framingham, Harvard Medical School; the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; Boston University School of Medicine; the University of California, Davis, at Sacramento; and UT Health San Antonio.
The Personal Beasties Breathing iOS App, promotes taking a few deep breaths to help lower stress and related cortisol levels that impact our health.
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